CD Projekt RED released a new patch1.52 for Cyberpunk 2977. It’s full of fixes and minor tweaks to colorful gameplay mechanics and systems!
Only a day after eventually attesting a new Witcher game is in development, the polish plant has released a new patch for Cyberpunk 2077. It’s labeled1.52 and contains a number of bug fixes and advancements to the game.
The size of Patch1.52 is about 6 GB. I've the game through GOG on PC.
Unlike the former Update1.5, this bone
doesn't feature any ground- breaking advancements and overhauls.1.52 is further focus on perfecting the players ’ smooth gameplay and entertainment in Night City.
The multitudinous bumps in the patch notes indicate that the inventors are now comfortably seeking out and dealing with minor bugs and rare glitches. The pressure is out after the big1.5 and they can go to truly start polishing the experience and prepare the game for its first expansion. No, we still know little to nothing about it. Sad, but true. CDPR isn't calling these hotfixes presently. They're that comfortable with the game’s status now. I actually couldn't single out any highlights from this patch to present before you. It’s just a collection of lower fixes and tweaks that utmost of you presumably noway knew was. Well, there are a many bigger bones , but indeed those aren't veritably common( to my knowledge). exemplifications are fixes made to specific operations, some related to Johnny and River characters, where they could bug or vanish. Still, you won't be suitable to buy it again presently, If you buy an apartmentmakeover.However, this could bring you thousands of Orbits, If you aren't careful. There’s the usual memory- relateds fixes and performance- perfecting tweaks. I do n’t most players would feel or notice any of these. Below you can read the full patch notes for Cyberpunk 2077 Patch1.52. Gameplay Fixed an issue that could beget wrecked buses or multiple rambler buses to generate in business when driving presto. Fixed an issue where first equip vitality could be played constantly after recovering a throwing cutter. The Laminate- armor Media Ballistic Vest can now be set up as spoil in Japantown. Fixed an issue where the canvass grenade stressednon-hostile crowd NPCs. Fixed an issue where after using the Take Control quickhack on a device, camera axis were reversed when zoomed in. searches
Player wo n’t be suitable to buy again an apartment makeover they formerly enjoy presently. Added the raining commerce to the Nomad Camp. It wo n’t be possible to hack the Northside apartment before completing Act 1 presently. Fixed an issue where Open World combat events and some scenes could remain impaired after visiting Afterlife until player presto traveled within Watson. Automatic Love – Walking into a wall in the elevator in Megabuilding H8 will no longer beget instant death. Blistering Love – Fixed an issue where Johnny could despawn if player left the cell before interacting with the projector, blocking progress. Cyberpsycho Sighting Demons of War – Fixed an issue where it was n’t possible to progress past the “ Search the area to collect information ” ideal. Epistrophy – Fixed an issue where the hunt could reappear in the Journal rather of being marked as failed after player failed to recoup any of the taxicabs. I Fought the Law – Fixed an issue where River could drive out of the request area aimlessly and push V out of world bounds. Life During Wartime – Fixed an issue where opting a blue dialogue option doubly upon arriving on the crash point blocked progression. Path of Glory – voluntary objective “ Get dressed ” will no longer be incompletable if player collected the clothes before it appeared. The Information – Fixed an issue where the doors to Lizzie’s were closed during the hours they should be open, blocking progression. The Lift – Fixed an issue where Dex’s auto was swerving left and right when driving down. With a Little Help from My musketeers – Fixed an issue where holocalls and textbook dispatches could be blocked if player told Saul about Panam’s plan while the gadabouts were driving down. Open World Fixed an issue where summoned vehicles could be spawned far down from the player. Suicidal Corpos in Corpo Plaza will no longer stand up after the fall. Fixed an issue where an Assault in Progress in Arroyo was n’t visible on the chart, hindering progress in The Jungle achievement. Gig Goodbye, Night City – Fixed an issue where the hunt did n’t detector after approaching the area. Gig No Fixers – Fixed an issue where the “ Park Iris ’ auto in the garage ” voluntary ideal did n’t complete if player stopped in front of the garage. Gig Playing for Keeps – Fixed an issue where all the adversaries in the summerhouse were set to Friendly. Murk Man Returns Again Once further Forever – Fixed an issue where the Rayfield Caliburn did n’t generate. Visual Fixed robustness and missing or displaced objects in colorful scenes. Fixed some issues with vitality being when performing an upstanding takedown using the retired Dragon perquisite.
Fixed an issue where sandstorms could appear in scenes they were n’t supposed to.
Fixed an issue where leafage wasn't affected by different rainfall conditions.
Polycarbonate Sport Sunglasses will no longer be visible when switching between Third Person Mode and First Person Mode while driving.
Memory advancements and crash fixes on coming- word consoles.
Minor UI optimizations.
PlayStation 5) Importing a save while not connected to the PlayStation Network will no longer block the option to continue the game.
( PlayStation 5) Fixed an issue where a corrupted save was created when player tried to import a PlayStation 4 save when no saves were exported.
PlayStation) Fixed an issue where the “ Press( Options Button) To Continue ” screen registered pressing the button with a detention.
PlayStation 5) Wet roads will now be as reflective as on the PC interpretation.
Written By : Salim Derreche 06/10/2022