God of War is one of the stylish games on PS4, and it has since come one of the stylish games on PC, too. Part of it comes from inventor Jetpack Interactive's nonstop trouble to deliver a great harbor age while being supervised by Santa Monica Studio. The plant lately released patch1.0.9 for the PC interpretation of God of War, and while the rearmost update is substantially targeted to ameliorate performance, it also brings subtle changes to the gameplay aspect.

Ever since its release on January 14th, God of War has seen quite a success on PC. It seized the top-selling spot on Steam in just a many days after launching, and it stayed there for around three weeks. It's reportedly the highest-dealing PlayStation game on PC, with reviews on Steam showing an indeed more positive feeling than what Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone were getting preliminarily.
With patch1.0.9, God of War on PC is poised to come indeed better than ever. In terms of performance, new features similar as triadic buffering can now be enabled to help reducemicro-stutters, but at the cost of a minor quiescence increase, as listed in the patch notes. To help players in troubleshooting performance, the videotape settings can now display GPU memory operation.
Other fixes include proper discovery of memory values when using intertwined plates, and perpetration of small object handpicking to help reduce the number of objects being reused by the CPU. This is said to be developed in response to recreating performance issues for AMD druggies, and that it should ameliorate minimal frame rates in scenes where there are numerous objects onscreen. The game is also now less prone to arbitrary crashes.

But what is further intriguing is a new point that will subtly affect players' play style, which is button toggling. rather of holding the button for aiming and blocking, players can now conclude to configure them as a toggle. This is great news for players who frequently use range attacks when equipping the Leviathan Axe, as they no longer need to continuously hold Ctrl, which is the dereliction button for aiming in God of War PC when using a mouse and a keyboard, or LT when using a regulator.
This rearmost patch for God of War PC further proves Santa Monica Studio's amenability to feed to PC druggies, as well as its trouble to communicate about known issues and what players can anticipate coming. God of War is formerly a great experience on PC, but that does not stop the inventor from making it indeed lesser, indeed if that means delivering minor fixes and features.

God of War PC Update1.0.9 Patch Notes
New Features
• Aiming and Blocking can now be configured as a toggle rather of a hold
• triadic Buffering can now be enabled to reducemicro-stutters at the cost of a minor quiescence increase
• GPU memory operation is now included in the videotape settings to prop performance troubleshooting
• Memory values will now be detected duly when using intertwined plates
• Silent crashes will no longer do if a GPU reports invalid memory values
• Some gameplay systems will no longer beget intermittent crashes
• enforced small object handpicking to help reduce the number of objects being reused by the CPU.
Written By : Salim Derreche 05/10/2022