Minecraft's Latest Update Is A Monster

rearmost Bedrock Minecraft update has arrived and it's a big bone , folks. Version1.19.30 brings with it a mound of gameplay updates, bug fixes, and specialized advancements, making your mine- casting a more pleasurable experience than ever ahead( hopefully). There is a lot to get through, so we are just going to dive right in( note the enciphered links in the below breakdown will take you to each substantiated bug ticket, in case you wanted a bit further word)
Vanilla equality Gameplay • Modified the Fireball reality's collision box to match Java Edition • The Enchanting Table now produces a sound when alluring an item • Amethyst blocks no longer produce sound when jumping off them • Fixed the bottom texture of the Melon block to match the top texture( MCPE- 31035) • The item mound popup vitality will now only play when a new item is added to the mound( MCPE- 23995) • Fixed an issue where Light Blocks would be removed when placing an Armor stand over them( MCPE- 151856) • Changed some structures names in the/ detect command to have underscores, like in Java Edition(e.g. ancientcity->ancient_city); the old names will still work but won't show up in the autocomplete • Fixed an issue where Boats with cases would not drop the casket's contents when destroyed by the/ kill command( MCPE- 160186) • Eating a Stew will now leave the empty Bowl in the niche it was eaten from( MCPE- 56367) • Drinking a Potion will now leave the empty Glass Bottle in the niche you drank it from rather than the first empty force niche( MCPE- 26436) • Oak and Mangrove Fence Gates are now ignitable ( MCPE- 160098) Mobs • Fixed Hoglin and Zoglin hitbox size and hit range to match Java Edition( MCPE- 65424) • Increased Sculk Shrieker and Sculk Sensor generation rates in Deep Dark and Ancient metropolises to more match Java Edition( MCPE- 153525) • Modified the Cat's head position while sitting to match Java Edition( MCPE- 46668) • If a townie has a Nametag, it's now displayed along with their trade league( MCPE- 152644) Spectator Mode( Experimental) • Capes are no longer rendered while in Spectator Mode( MCPE- 156929) • Spectator players in Lava Flagons no longer display the burning vitality( MCPE- 160331)
• Players in Spectator Mode are no longer affected by the Powder Snow fog effect( MCPE- 156683) • sorely, any leashed creatures won't follow observers presently( MCPE- 157065) • Players in Spectator Mode no longer emit patches while sprinting( MCPE- 160397) • Spectator players with status goods applied no longer emit patches( MCPE- 160398) • Endermen no longer come angry at players in Spectator Mode( MCPE- 156742) • Players in Spectator Mode can no longer interact with Sculk Detectors by swimming in water or lava( MCPE- 153879) • Players switching into Spectator Mode will unhook any fishhooks attached to them • Players in Spectator mode can no longer be pushed by explosions( MCPE- 156687) • Powder Snow no longer emits patches when observers move through it( MCPE- 153876) • Big Dripleaf no longer tilts when touched by players in Spectator Mode( MCPE- 156686) • Players in Spectator Mode now keep their supplies and equipped particulars on death( MCPE- 156681) • observers can no longer attract mob's attention when holding their favorite food( MCPE- 153882) • The/ testfor command can now target observers( MCPE- 158042) • The Spectator game mode can no longer be entered via the/ gamemode 6 command, only via/ gamemode onlooker • observers using touch controls can no longer break Boats and Minecarts( MCPE- 158307) • Parrots sitting on a player's shoulder now hop off when entering Spectator Mode • creatures and mobs withfollow_owner geste no longer follow observers • creatures and mobs withfind_mount geste no longer try to mount observers • Spectator Mode players will not have cold bases and now the Frost Walker enchant doesn't affect water • Pufferfish no longer reply to near observers Fixes Performance/ Stability • Fixed a bug that infrequently caused the townie's bounding box to come desynced with the garçon when sleeping • Fixed a bug causing an occasional crash when lading players in beds • The game no longer crashes when browsing Marketplace • Fixed a crash that could do when continuing the game on Xbox • Fixed a bug where deleting pall synced worlds would not cancel the pall interpretation of the world when the player deletes the world locally • Fixed PlayStation 4 audio stuttering issues while framerate is low( MCPE- 158902) • Fixed a crashing issue related to white Shulkers • Most common Marketplace connection issues will now automatically resolve themselves when conditions ameliorate without demanding to renew Minecraft( MCPE- 155025) • Fixed performance issues when Striders are being ridden by baby Striders( MCPE- 146478) • Fixed a crash that would do on some bias when lading in worlds with texture packs applied( MCPE- 160800) • Fixed a crash when uploading a world with no name using" Play on Realm" button Gameplay • Music is now included in the mobile app and no longer has to be downloaded from Marketplace • Fixed issue where player would see inside of Top Snow when diving into it while wearing Elytra • pistols can no longer travel through doors to help an issue where they could come permanently wedged( MCPE- 160938)
pessing the Ctrl and Alt keys together will no longer make the Alt key get stuck down Mobs • Endermen no longer get angry at Creative players( MCPE- 42977) • Fixed a bug causing Leads to break with Allays after the proprietor player changes confines( MCPE- 158955) • The Goat's ram vitality was modified to sluggishly lower their head when preparing to ram( MCPE- 129477) • Reduced the Enderman's teleport range to 32x32x32 to insure that it can not despawn itself by teleporting( MCPE- 152268) • Allays and Bees should no longer get stuck on Lanterns or other low hanging objects( MCPE- 155777) • EDU Toggle NPC names dereliction to only being displayed while looking at them Blocks • slush Brick Slab can now be placed as a top arbor via commands( MCPE- 157852) • Banners now generate rightly in recently generated structures( MCPE- 160696) • Coral suckers now look identical when placed facing North, West, East, and South( MCPE- 125311) • White Glazed Terracotta is no longer missing from the Creative Mode force and is formerly again accessible through commands • Seagrass and Kelp are no longer classified as Coral Decorations in the Creative Mode force( MCPE- 44034) • Fixed a bug where some blocks that bear a supporting block( for illustration Carpet or crops) didn't appear on Charts when placed on anon-full block or above an air block( MCPE- 159713) • Iron Bars are no longer missing from the Creative Mode force and are formerly again accessible through commands( MCPE- 160253) • Piston's vitality when extending and renouncing is now smooth( MCPE- 155987) • It's no longer possible to get an aged Sapling in the force by block- picking particulars • Fixed dropped particulars getting stuck at the edge of flowing water( MCPE- 157167) • When on fire, the fire overlay no longer clips through held particulars( MCPE- 147776) • Mangrove, Crimson, and depraved Planks can now be used to repair Shields( MCPE- 158940) • Fixed a retrogression where an undamaged tool, similar as Pickaxe, when name changed on an Anvil, would fail to work rightly when used for the first time( MCPE- 152637) stoner Interface • Fixed a bug where the name label background was slightly neutralize( MCPE- 160254) • Fixed a UI bug where entranced leather particulars would have corridor of the texture not displaying the glint vitality( MCPE- 98929) • Added new disposition error dispatches to more punctuate the area in which the disposition passed • Character Creator offers in Marketplace will no longer lose their summary images upon exiting the Dressing Room • Added a Retry button to the Xbox pall sync prompt • Item heaps now are intermingled together after assigned crack threshold
• Added a missing settings button on packs in the streamlined produce New World screen • Added a new disposition error communication-" unfit to connect, please renew your customer" • Fixed an issue causing dispatches withnon-unicode characters to have incorrect distance • NPC names now overpass to only being displayed while looking at them • The arrow within the casting Pocket UI now fits meetly without any trimming issues • The" Can not connect to Marketplace ” error will no longer be inaptly read by the Text- To- Speech anthology • Raid bar no longer becomes wedged after breaking Beds to cancel a raid( MCPE- 152851) Graphical • Player textures and UI rudiments should no longer turn pink after playing for an extended period time on largely populated waiters( MCPE- 105487) • Fixed an issue where certain water textures with doused blocks displayed the wrong texture( MCPE- 156281) • Fixed an issue with flowing Lava and Water textures not amping on some iOS bias • Sky in The End dimension will no longer look like static upon entry while it's raining in the Overworld( MCPE- 148843)

 Written By : Salim Derreche  05/10/2022